My First Bitsy Game

EggsyHunt was a game I developed for the 🥚 egg 🥚 (bitsy jam). It was the first time I heard about the Bitsy editor and I decided it would be fun to make a quick game in it. I ended up spending way more time than intended on this game making experience.

Bitsy is quite limited, but I think that's actually a good thing, I had a few other ideas and they ended up being too complicated and even the EggsyHunt idea was actually far larger than it should have been and I had to scale it down multiple times.

If you ever want to use Bitsy for a game here are some tips:

1 - Scale it down as much as you can before starting. Once you're finished you can start scalling it up if you want to.

2- Make as little exits in a game as possible and avoid making them side by side, try to put a wall in between.

3- If you need to work with variables,  ayolland's tutorial helped me quite a lot and his bitsy games can be quite inspiring for knowing what you can do with the editor.

That's it! Good luck if you ever have to make a game in Bitsy and I'm sure I'll use the editor another time!

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